This week was a doozy!
Can you see them cheers-ing in the background?!
Max adores playdough – he sometimes plays with it for hours. He takes playdoughing much more seriously than his sister as you can see.
Double cheese grilled cheese for the kids!
This is where things took a turn. I got the stomach flu. Or the real flu. Maybe a combo of both. I thought I was dying. Oh and yes these is still one christmas wreath hanging on this window.
I survived on ginger ale sips for two days.
And then moved on to pedialyte popsicles! This is such a great food blog. I know.
Eddie went back to work and I still thought I was dying (but I’m not dramatic at all) and the kids lived like savages for a day. The house has literally never been in such a state. They thought it would be fun to play “kick the legos all over the house.” I cried into a couch pillow.
Then spoiler alert, I survived. Kind of.
Once I was better, I went to pick up new glasses. The kids wanted to try on glasses and the sales associate was so amazing and indulged them.
I dressed Emilia up like a cotton candy fluffball.
And we watched Max play basketball.
This hummus plate was the first meal I actually wanted to eat!
Same with these buffalo brussels sprouts. Should I recreate? I have so many buffalo things on the blog. Might be too repetitive. You tell me!
Five days I was feeling a little better and decided to brown two sticks of butter!
This is the way back to life, I tell you.
I made these chocolate chip cookie bars and they are seriously the best ones I’ve ever had. I have to remake and share these soon. You will freak.
Eddie approved.
This flu thing took such a toll on my appetite. Seriously NOTHING has sounded good. The blog posts I had to write while sick – well, let’s just say I may never look at those photos again! I only have ever felt this way before when I was sick while pregnant (and no I’m definitely not pregnant) – it was crazy. I still don’t have my appetite back much and just kind of want to eat eggs and toast forever.
Whenever somebody sits down to eat something, if Emilia isn’t eating herself, she runs over, climbs up on their lap and presumes to eat the entire meal (even if she’s already eaten her own). I love that she loves food so much.
And her fashion sense is GOALS. PJs, robe life, mardi gras beads and max’s boots. She loves to layer.
And today was beautiful and it’s so nice to be back to life!
The post A Week in the Life, Vol 8. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.
from How Sweet Eats
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