This Is How Many Towels You Really Need to Own

A towel isn’t exactly something that invokes deep contemplation. A linen closet or drawer is usually a necessity and not a luxury, and the towels stacked inside them are out of mind unless they’re needed for a few seconds each day. The only time towels really grab your attention is when they’re stained, stiff, or smelly. But they could probably use more thought.

At a time when self-care can be defined by long and involved routines, simply having a good quality towel is one easy way to treat yourself—after all, you do need to bathe. But how many do you actually need? An informal poll among friends yielded a wide range of numbers. If you’re anything like me, you probably have too many, leading to overstuffing, stress, and dwindling storage. On the other hand, if you're constantly rushing out to launder your towels, you probably have too few.


from Food52
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