White Water Rafting: Colorado’s Favorite Water Sport

The Rocky Mountains, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and the Grand Mesa are only three of the most famous tourist attractions found in the state of Colorado. There is more to this U.S. State than just picturesque landscapes, mountains, and deserts. Colorado is also known as the Centennial State because it was officially declared as a U.S. State in 1876, a hundred years after the Declaration of U.S. Independence. But did you ever wonder why this state was named Colorado? The name of the state of Colorado means “colored red” in the Spanish language. It was the Spanish explorers in the Rocky Mountains who first came up with the name when they found red silt that was being carried from the river down to the mountains.

The adventure of a lifetime

Colorado is one of the best places to go for people who seek fun, relaxation, and adventure. An excellent example is the Arkansas River, which is famous for its wild rapids that water sports fanatics frequently visit. One water sport that tourists should try is white water rafting in Colorado. White water rafting has been popular since the 1960s, but why was it called such? The term “white water” refers to the froth-like appearance of the water rushing down the river. A raft is usually made of planks of wood secured together by thick ropes. Still, since white water rafting involves paddling through huge rapids, creators of the sport decided to use plastic inflatable boats instead to make it easier for the rafters to float and navigate through the waters. 

What makes white water rafting fun?

White water rafting in Colorado is a lot more thrilling than basic rafting, where it only involves slowly paddling through calm waters. In white water rafting, rafters go through a lot of obstacles that can get the adrenaline pumping. These obstacles include racing with another group of rafters while bumping into large rocks, up and down river slopes, and being thrown off the boat if the current is really strong. This water sport is for all ages, and parents need not worry about their young children since there are people who can guide them while on the raft, and everyone is provided with vests and helmets to ensure their safety in the boat or if they fall off of it. As with all types of sports, safety comes first.

While it is true that some people are not into outdoor activities, there is nothing wrong with giving this water sport a try. Who knows, this might become your favourite recreational activity. Nothing can compare to the feeling of getting extremely wet and swayed wildly by the rushing water that only white water rafting can do. This sport can also bring the competitive side of you since winning against another rafting team can be a sweet victory. 

Seeking adventure is almost next to human nature. Finding activities that can satisfy the craving for different life experiences is truly worth the sweat and body ache. Earning money is absolutely essential for survival, but everybody has to get away from monotonous routines and stressful jobs once in a while. White water rafting might be what you need to get the healthy blood flowing through your veins instead of coffee and soda!

The post White Water Rafting: Colorado’s Favorite Water Sport appeared first on David's Been Here.

from David's Been Here https://davidsbeenhere.com/2020/02/20/white-water-rafting-colorados-favorite-water-sport/
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