A Week In The Life, Vol 13.

Signs of spring!!

a week in the life

This week. WOW. How are you guys doing? Seriously! Please tell me below.

We are doing well here at home and not biting each other’s heads off, surprisingly. I constantly go back and forth between feeling okay and scared out of my mind about the situation. One minute it feels like I’m overreacting and the next I feel like I’m being irresponsible by not watching the news 24/7 to stay up to date and take a moment for all of those who are suffering and putting their lives at risk. I am SO insanely grateful that I can stay safe at home in a comfortable house, still work and still get food.

I can’t even imagine being in the medical field right now. And it blows my mind to see people in my neighborhood still getting together in groups of more-than-their-immediate-family. I drove by a playground the other day that was filled with 10+ kids. WHY?! WHY?! I miss my family so much!

This is just such a crazy time (is there a more-used phrase at the moment?! I think not) – we are living through a historical event right now. I think there is so much fear and panic at times (in me, too) because of the uncertainty.

Things that are helping me right now: escaping through books and reading nonstop (even if I don’t feel like it), cooking for other people when I can (I made chicken romano that went to 4 different houses today), face timing with family and doing a friends zoom happy hour (this was more amazing than I anticipated) and doing some peloton rides with friends too! Also, talking to you guys nonstop on instagram and helping you figure out meals you can make with the ingredients in your house has been wonderful. Thank you!! Here’s a peek into our boring but safe week.

a week in the life

The problem with starting to like the iced coffee I’m making at home is that I literally want to drink iced coffee all day long.

a week in the life

We played TONS of games this week, hungry hungry hippos and connect 4 being the highlights.

a week in the life

We also experimented with orbeez/water beads for the first time!

a week in the life

This was fun!

a week in the life

Emilia loved it.

a week in the life
This is what they turned into! So NEAT. But now… what do we do with them?

a week in the life

One day last week I made french toast with dave’s killer bread, which is our favorite. I worked on my book most of the week and forgot to take a picture of just about every meal that I made.

a week in the life

I did make chocolate dipped clementines on instagram live! Max helped once he realized chocolate was involved.

a week in the life

He has the biggest sweet tooth ever.

a week in the life

It was rainy and gloomy the first half of the week which was SO HARD. But it perked up and actually got super warm.

a week in the life

This photo gives me life. It will forever be my… “meh.” face. Can I turned it into a GIF? And yes, she does look like elton john, haha.

a week in the life

Made sheet pan nachos and margaritas on friday night! This was DELISH and really hit the spot. I have not been drinking at all throughout the week – some nights I would like a glass of wine but I just feel so anxious and that makes it worse. So I’ve skipped. I just drink a huge ice water instead, which oddly enough I adore.

a week in the life

This boy!! He misses school like crazy. He gets it, but not really, you know? I don’t even want to tell him that it could end up being cancelled for the rest of the year.

a week in the life

We took 8am walks in PJs because why not? Honestly thinking of making this into a thing come summer anyway. Days start and end with a walk.

a week in the life

We grilled smoked turkey sausage and peppers! Kind of like this sheet pan meal, but on the grill.

a week in the life

Emilia had her favorite snack plate lunch with the sausage and leftover guac from the night before.

a week in the life

Today I made my house salad and added some hard boiled eggs. Love this SO much, it’s so crunchy and good.

a week in the life

I still haven’t put out our easter decor because I can’t decide if it will make me feel better or worse! But I want to put some out because we will still celebrate at home.

It was still a good week and I think we’ve become used to being home together. It was, dare I say it, actually slightly… easier. I know that sounds crazy!


The post A Week In The Life, Vol 13. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.

from How Sweet Eats https://www.howsweeteats.com/2020/03/a-week-in-the-life-vol-13/
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