101 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money On The Road

The best travel jobs that can earn you money while you’re on the road. This is the most extensive list of travel jobs that you’ll find anywhere online.

When it comes to travel, there tends to be many motivating factors, but only one major hurdle… money.

You want to travel the world full-time, explore the unknown, meet new people, experience new cultures and taste new cuisines, but all of these things cost money and those costs can add up quickly.

Dariece and I started travelling back in 2008 and ever since we left our home country of Canada, we scoured the planet for the best travel jobs.

We wanted to find jobs that could pay us money while we were travelling so that we never had to return home to work a regular 9-5 again.

Free 101 Travel Jobs Ebook: We also have a version of 101 Travel Jobs in an ebook. Click Here to download for free now. It’s beautifully designed and downloadable in PDF format so you can take it anywhere! We’ll also send you emails to teach you how to earn money on the road so you can travel forever.

In our job hunt, we personally worked dozens of different jobs including bartending, volunteering, teaching English, pet-sitting, and eventually, we landed on the ultimate travel job… running a travel blog.

But in our quest, we interviewed dozens of travellers who have worked all sorts of travel jobs all over the world.

This blog that you’re reading is dedicated to finding ways to earn money online so that you can travel/live abroad for as long as you want.

We eat, sleep and breathe travel and our entire life since 2008 has been committed to finding ways to sustain our travel addiction and share it with the people who read this blog!

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In this post, I’m not keeping any secrets.

I’m going to share with you all of the best travel jobs and passive income ideas that you can find on the road, but I’m not just going to list them.

I’m going to tell you where to find each job, what the jobs entail, what requirements there are, and perhaps most importantly, what each travel job pays.

I want to make it easy for you to leave your 9-5 job and (if you don’t enjoy it) never return. We are living proof that your amazing vacation, gap year or world trip never has to end. 

We’ve been at it for over 10 years and today we get flown around the world on all-expense-paid trips while earning six figures a year. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, read on to see what travel jobs you can earn good money from while on the road.

Jump to any section using the Table Of Contents.

What Makes a Good Travel Job?

To me, the best travel jobs are those that offer you freedom and flexibility.

While there are plenty of great travel jobs that still require you to work 9-5 (like teaching English, working at a hostel, working at a restaurant etc.), the ones you’ll want to look for are travel jobs that allow you to choose your own hours.

That’s why I’ve decided to break down this list of the best travel jobs into different categories. You can jump to any one of these categories below if you’re interested in a specific type of work.

How Much Do The Best Travel Jobs Pay?

In our own personal experience and the experience of the many people who we’ve interviewed for this article, we’ve found that the best travel job (travel blogging) can pay $10,000+ per month.

We personally earn that much from this blog, but know many other travel bloggers earning far more.

releasing the old and embracing the new

Most travel jobs won’t pay this much. Cruise ship workers, experienced English teachers and social media stars probably earn the next best salaries.

Your main goal with a travel job shouldn’t necessarily be about how much it pays though. You should make sure that the line of work you choose makes you happy, is fulfilling and is something you’re passionate about.

Let’s get started!

This list has 101 different travel jobs that can earn you money while on the road. I strongly recommend that you read and consider each one.

Many of our readers decide to try numerous jobs at a time. Many of these jobs don’t require very many hours per week, so you can do a few at the same time and maximize your profits.

Running a Website – The Best Travel Job

I really can’t help but sing praise about this amazing blogging job.

When we started this website a few years ago, we didn’t know the first thing about blogging. We had heard that it was possible to earn some money from it and we knew we loved travelling, writing, and photography, so we gave it a shot.

We weren’t professional photographers in any way, we had no prior writing experience and we didn’t know the first thing about blogging and yet, in just a few years we grew this blog to be a money-making, travel-supporting machine and we couldn’t be happier!

This lifestyle is so amazing that we’re always telling the readers of our blog and the followers on our social media accounts about it. We love it.

Companies contact us for paid press trips, we earn a good income while only working on our laptops 10 – 15 hours per week and we get to travel and live abroad full-time (at the time of writing this post, we’re living in a pool villa on the water in the Caribbean).

travel jobs working in a co-working space as a travel blogger

There’s a lot to travel blogging though.

Learning how to start a travel blog is easy. These days, you don’t even have to think of a domain name right away (ie: www.yourdomainname.com).

But building a blog to the point that can earn money takes time. That’s why we’re offering a Free Beginners Blogger Course for anyone who starts a blog through this step-by-step guide.

If you’re interested, click the links, follow the steps to create your own blog and we’ll teach you how to set up WordPress and grow your blog quickly (many of our students have earned free travel and an income in as little as 6 months).

#1 – Travel Blogging

To be a successful blogger, there are actually many travel jobs that branch off of the main title of “being a travel blogger”. In order to really earn money, you need to diversify your income portfolio.

Once you have your blog set up and you’ve established an audience (sometimes as quickly as a few months), you can start using these methods to earn money from your blog:

  • Sponsored Content: Most blogs start this way. A company basically contacts you via email (or you reach out to them) and asks you to write a review about their product or brand. They pay for this review and the link to their site (between $200 – $750 USD / article). This is known as a sponsored post or sponsored content. Learn how to ethically create sponsored content following Google guidelines in our post, here
  • Affiliate Sales: Instead of getting paid for the link, a better way to arrange payment is via commission. Affiliate marketing is when you link to a product or service from your blog and when one of your readers makes a purchase through your link, the company tracks it and sends you a percentage of the sale.
  • Banner Ads & Direct Advertising: Basically running ads that are placed around your blog, when someone views an ad, or when they then click / purchase, you get paid. Currently, there is a company called Mediavine that provides the highest paying in-content ads. You’ll see them once in a while on this blog. Even though we hardly show any ads, we’re still able to earn $2,000 – $3,000 / month just by having these ads on our site.
  • Brand Ambassadorship: A brand asks you to continuously use their product/service and write about it, and they pay you a monthly salary.
  • Press Trips: This is literally getting paid to travel. A tourism board or tour company invites you to their country to write about your experiences. They do this because your blog has large numbers and they want to introduce your readers to their tour or destination. Press trips and FAM trips typically include flights, all transport, food, travel, and entertainment for the duration of the trip and you can charge for your services on top of this (upwards of $10,000/ two-week trip). Tourism boards even invite bloggers on trips who haven’t grown a huge audience. They often choose based on the quality of content and target audience, rather than numbers.

The reason I’ve gone so into depth about travel blogging is that we think it’s the ultimate travel job. It’s clear that because you came to this post, you love travel! Well, travel blogging encompasses everything travel, offers you free travel, you can get paid to travel and you can share your travels with the world.

Once you learn the skills, they are also transferable to other travel jobs.

You’ll find that many of the jobs on this list can branch off from your main travel blogging career, which is another reason why we think that travel blogging is the best travel job of all.

Online Travel Jobs

These are all jobs that can be done from your computer as long as you have an internet connection while on the road.

In our opinion, the absolute best way to earn money is from your laptop because it gives you the freedom of location independence. There’s simply nothing better than remote work!

#2 – Online Tutor

  • Potential Income: $10 – $50 / hour
  • Hours: 5 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: If you’re already a teacher, ask parents at your school or check websites like Italki.com,TutorMe.com and Cambly.com

If you have any particular expertise on a subject, you can make money teaching others with platforms like TutorMe. They offer over 40 subjects mostly revolving around study and test preparations, so there’s bound to be something you’re able to teach.

It’s great if you’re a college student, teacher, or even a professor. With Italki and Cambly, the tutoring you’ll be doing is language-related.

⇒ Learn more about becoming a tutor in our post: Online Tutoring Jobs – How To Easily Find Work Tutoring Online

#3 – Teach Online

  • Potential Income: $10 – $30 / hour
  • Hours: Optional – Work as much or as little as you want
  • How To Get The Job: There are plenty of great places to find jobs teaching English online

It’s really not that hard to find a job as an online teacher. If you’re a native English speaker, you’ll earn more money, but there are jobs for teachers of all languages. These jobs pay up to $30 / hour and you can teach multiple classes per week.

Teaching online will give you the flexibility to make money while you’re travelling and can also be a nice income supplement to other on-the-road jobs. Most companies require you to have a university degree, but some do not.

Check out our Teach English Online post to read more about how to find work, how much you can make and what to expect from a job teaching English online. If you have your online TEFL certification, it’ll give you a better chance of being hired.

Also, have a look at our other online teaching posts:

teach english online with VIPKID one of the best travel jobs


#4 – Search Engine Evaluator

  • Potential Income: $10 / hour to start
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Leapforce is a good place to look for work

For anyone that’s a little tech-savvy, there’s a nifty job you can do from home known as a Search Engine Evaluator. There’s a handful of companies you can choose, but Leapforce is one of the best. You’ll need to pass a series of tests before you can start working, and then you just follow their searching guidelines and report back your findings.

What I like most is that it’s not a traditional customer service job, so you won’t ever need to take calls or purchase any gear (like headsets), and there are no fees to become an evaluator. You can set your schedule, working as much (or as little) as you like. When you’re just starting out, expect to earn around $10 an hour, though this will improve as you gain experience.

#5 – Digital Marketer

  • Potential Income: $1,500 – $100,000+ / month
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

Growth Hub is an online community dedicated to educating marketers and provides a number of resources for success. But it’s their job board that’s the real winner. Here’s where you’ll find the best opportunities for digital marketers, paid search consultants, search engine optimization and more.

Just choose “remote” in the Locations category, and you can browse what’s available. Depending on the company posting the job they often specify expected salaries, which is a good thing.

#6 – Translation & Editorial

  • Potential Income: $20 / hour max
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

Are you bilingual or at least able to correct mistakes in your native language? Check local newspapers around the world and you’ll almost always find job postings for translation and editing. Although most jobs are looking for native English speakers, there are plenty of places that will hire you as long as you have a good grasp on written English and English grammar.

Try Upwork, Gengo, Freelancer.com or Lingosaur to find job listings.

These jobs aren’t just for English speakers though, there are multilingual newspapers & magazines in almost every country.

#7 – Transcribing

  • Potential Income: $20 / hour max
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use website below to find work

If you’re a super-fast typer, you can make money as a transcriber. The toughest part about this job is that your grammar needs to be on point, but if you’re good, you’ll have plenty of work available.

There are plenty of sites online to get jobs transcribing, like FocusFWD.com. To apply you just need to download and complete a transcription test, and if you meet their quality guidelines, you can start accepting projects.

Companies like Focus Forward pay per audio minute, ranging from $0.40 to $0.65 as a rough average, but realistically you’re only going to be able to type out 15 to 20 minutes of audio in an hour.

#8 – Customer Service Rep

  • Potential Income: $20 / hour max
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check Alorica for listings

If you have some people skills and don’t mind spending time on the phone, you may consider becoming a customer service rep. With this job, you can work from home, but you will likely have set hours.

Apply for a call center job with Alorica, and you’ll get to work from home, taking customer service style calls from a wide range of clients.

Depending on the client, you may also need to respond to live chat or reply to emails. They’ll also pay you during the training period which is a nice touch, but the only downside is you have to be in the United States.

#9 – Web Developer

  • Potential Income: $100+ / hour
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

For this job, you’ll have to have a lot of experience as a developer, but it can be a lucrative travel job.

StackOverflow is the largest online community for developers. This is a place for learning, one where you can advance your skills and also find your next opportunity.

Just head to their jobs page and click the filters. Under perks, you want to check the box marked “offers remote.” At the time of writing, there were 69 jobs available for remote developers, across a range of different programming languages.

Even if you’re not a web developer, you can master Thrive Architect and be able to build professional looking websites pretty quickly. You may then find some local businesses that need simple websites built and you can help them to create them.

Other websites for finding work as a developer:

#10 – Sell T-Shirts

  • Potential Income: $15 profit / t-shirt on average (high-end earners upwards of $20,000 / month)
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Create t-shirts using websites like VistaPrint, Shopify & Teespring

This may sound funny, but we actually know of some people who have made decent money creating cool travel shirts and selling them.

You can create your own designs at lots of different shops around the world, then sell them on the streets, at your hostel or online. There’s one guy who was interviewed on TheHustle.co who earned $100,000 in just 5 months from selling t-shirts on teespring.com!

#11 – Web Designer

  • Potential Income: $50+ / hour
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Post up on websites listed below

There are plenty of companies out there who will hire web designers for a good income. If you have web design experience, you can check out sites like 99designs.com, coroflot.com, crowdsite.com and dribbble.com to find work.

#12 – Drop Shipping

  • Potential Income: Up to $100,000+ / year
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Find a manufacturer, create a website / online store and start selling

Basically drop shipping is a very low-risk way to start up a business selling products online. Traditionally if you wanted to do this, you would have to create a product, market it, store it in a warehouse and ship it out yourself, while having to deal with refunds, returns, etc.

Finding a manufacturer will be one of the hardest things to do. Simply typing “drop shippers” into Google won’t give you very good results because only big drop shipping manufacturers that do business with big drop shippers will have the money to invest in SEO (search engine optimization), which allows their website to be seen first in Google.

It’s vital that you find a good dropshipping manufacturer if you want to earn a reliable income as a drop shipper. A website called www.abetterlemonadestand.com has put together this great list of dropshipping suppliers that can help you get started.

#13 – Play The Stock Market (Day Trading)

  • Potential Income: $40,000 / 3 days! (Around $3,500 / month on average for relatively skilled day trader)
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Start playing the stock market. To earn money, you need to have skill.

If you’re a gambling person, this might work for you. There are people who are earning enough to travel purely from stocks. One successful travelling day trader named Kunal said this about his best income earning:

“I ended up making $40,000 in three days, which was my best three-day run ever. I didn’t really see it as a big week as this was years in the making. Every year I learn and work my butt off to get better each day. I have a lot of process goals on how to improve each single day. That week was just the culmination of years of work and building my skills. Then when I saw the right moment to really hit it I was truly ready to take those profits.”

#14 – Affiliate Marketer

  • Potential Income: $500 – $100,000 / month
  • Hours: 0 hours per week (it takes a long time to set up an affiliate campaign that’s profitable, but once it runs it can be completely passive income)
  • How To Get The Job: Start a blog or utilize your social followers to recommend & sell products. Use links below to find multiple affiliate opportunities

You don’t actually have to be a travel blog in order to earn a bit of money as an affiliate marketer.

If you use and love a product or service, why not recommend it to your social media friends, email list and WhatsApp contacts? If they end up making a purchase through your affiliate tracking links, you can earn a commission.

The best part about affiliate marketing is that once you have something in place, you can earn money while you’re sleeping. This blog currently earns around $5,000 per month from affiliate marketing, meaning we earn that $5,000 without having to do anything!

Check out these affiliate networks for great products and brands to recommend:

#15 – Go on Fiverr

  • Potential Income: $5-$50 / gig
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Sign-up for Fiverr and sell your services

Get paid anywhere from $5 – $40 selling your services on Fiverr. You can pretty much get hired to do anything, from translation and dictation to design and photo editing, you’ll find a job on Fiverr.com.

#16 – Accounting

  • Potential Income: $20+ / hour
  • Hours: 30 – 40+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: If you’re an accountant, contact companies via email or ask your current employer to allow you to work from home

We met a guy in Mexico who was making good money helping companies organize their finances in spreadsheets. Depending on the company, you may not need to have a degree, but just a good understanding of spreadsheets and mathematics. There are numerous online accounting jobs available. Click here for our full article

#17 – Editor

  • Potential Income: $7-$40 / hour
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Contact bloggers and websites to pitch your services. Email them with corrections and tell them you’re able to edit quickly.

There are millions of blogs online and many of them need an editor. We have editors on Goats On The Road that go over our content before it’s published to make sure everything is okay. Editing jobs can pay anywhere from $7 – $40 / hour and they can typically be done from anywhere in the world.

#18 – Selling Ebooks

  • Potential Income: Upwards of Six-Figures / year
  • Hours: Optional
  • How To Get The Job: Write and Design an Ebook & Sell it on Amazon or on your blog

This job is particularly good if you already have a blog because you’ll have already honed your writing skills and you’ll have an audience to sell to. There are a few ebook authors out there earning six-figures or more from ebook sales, but generally they have a lot of ebooks.

I know one person who makes a decent income and produces an ebook every couple of weeks! He basically writes posts and instead of publishing them on his blog, he sells them in PDF format on Amazon.

When I sell my ebooks, I write 10,000+ words in Google Docs, then I head to Canva.com (a free online design tool) and design the book to look professional using their templates. I then sell the books (or give them away for free) on this blog and on Amazon.

#19 – Selling e-Courses

  • Potential Income: $100,000 / month+
  • Hours: Optional (Many hours to produce the course, then basically none to keep selling it)
  • How To Get The Job: Record videos and create downloadable PDFs and sell on your own blog or sites like Teachable.com

This is definitely one of the most lucrative travel jobs on this list and it’s another one that goes great with having your own travel blog.

You don’t necessarily have to own your own blog to earn money selling courses though. You can create and sell your training on websites like Teachable.com and Skillshare.com and they will display it to their marketplace.

That way, you’re essentially using their audience to sell. But if you own your own blog, you’ll likely sell far more copies of your course because people will already know and trust you by reading your blog.

We have one course for sale currently for $99, but we also offer it for free to people when they start a new blog. We have also created an affordable Advanced SEO Course. Many similar courses online go for as much as $1200!

Just think, if you can create an epic resource that walks people through a step-by-step process to achieve a goal, they’ll be happy to pay for that.

If you charge $300 / course, then you only have to sell 2 courses per month and you’ll be able to live in the worlds cheapest countries full-time.

#20 – Blog Management

  • Potential Income: $3,000+ / month
  • Hours: 30 – 50 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: If you have blogging experience, post in blogger Facebook Groups and Communities

For this job, you will need to have a considerable amount of experience with blogging, social media and all things that go along with the industry.

If you already have a blog and have experience, you can earn a pretty good living from this. We know because we pay our blog managers between $1,500 – $3,000 per month depending on their work duties and we know of other websites that pay much more.

#21 – Copywriter

A copywriter is when you write content for someone else’s blog or website and it’s one of the best travel jobs out there. There are literally thousands of websites looking for people with experience in thousands of different fields to write posts for their blogs.

You don’t have to only write about travel either. There are parenting, mechanic, tech, fishing, outdoors, sports and many other types of blogs who are looking to pay writers to write for them.

We have personally written for dozens of blogs as freelancers and have been paid between $75 – $500 per post.

At one time, we were able to earn over $3,000 per month from freelance writing alone.

Having a blog can help you get freelance jobs because you’ll already have an online portfolio that you can use to pitch new websites.

The best way to earn a full-time income as a copywriter is to try to become a columnist on a website. You may get paid a bit less per article, but if you can land a job that guarantees you 5 articles per week at $100 each, you’ll be earning $500 / month from that one client.

See Also: How To Make Money & Travel The World as a Copywriter

#22 – Freelance Writer

  • Potential Income: $300 – $1500 / article
  • Hours: Optional (10-15 hours / week is enough)
  • How To Get The Job: Contact airline magazines, local magazines & newspapers

I’ve separated freelance writing from copywriting because it’s actually quite different. I like to call a freelance writer a person who writes in print, while a copywriter is someone who writes online. To become a freelance writer, you may have to have a bit more experience, but the pay is higher.

travel jobs for freelance writers

It’s generally harder to land print writing jobs. Try to contact your own local newspapers and magazines to pitch them. For travel, airline magazines and guidebooks tend to pay their writers the best.

See Also: How To Make Money as a Freelance Writer

#23 – Selling Photos

  • Potential Income: $300+ / month
  • Hours: Optional Depends on your library
  • How To Get The Job: Post your photos for sale on your blog, or on sites like Shopify, iStock & ShutterStock

This is a difficult job to earn money. If you have a blog, once you have it online, you may just find that a lot of companies will start contacting you and asking you to buy your photos. T

hese opportunities rarely come, but they can be lucrative with some photos selling for $500+. There are also lots of websites where you can post your photos and hope to find buyers.

If you don’t have a blog, you can post your photos up on sites like Shopify, iStock & ShutterStock and if they’re good, you may be able to sell some.

#24 – Selling Videos

  • Potential Income: $300+ / month
  • Hours: Optional Depends on your library
  • How To Get The Job: Post your photos for sale on your blog, or on sites like Unscreen, Amazon, iTunes & SmugMug

This one is a lot more lucrative than selling photos and if you have a YouTube channel, you may find that you get offers frequently. We’ve sold a few clips and we generally charge $100 / second! That makes a pretty good chunk of change when you’re selling 8 second+ long clips!

#25 – Social Media Management

  • Potential Income: $500 – $5,000 / month
  • Hours: Optional Depends on requirements of your clients (20 – 40 hours / week)
  • How To Get The Job: Contact related companies via email and pitch them your services. Post in Facebook groups

Once you become a pro at social media, you can help other brands and companies grow and maintain their social media accounts.

We have some clients who pay upwards of $1500 / month for this service. We pay our social media managers around $500 – $1000 / month to manage our accounts.

To find a job, you can cold call or cold email potential clients, or if you’d like to manage social media for a travel blogger, you may want to create a posting in a Facebook group or community that has many travel bloggers.

#26 – Become a VA

  • Potential Income: $5 – $60 / hour
  • Hours: 20+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check Online Job Boards, Post your skills in blogging communities on Facebook or email your favourite bloggers

Many bloggers (including us Goats) need virtual assistants. These jobs can pay well depending on who you’re working for, and what you’ll be required to do. Virtual assistant jobs are a good way to earn a side income and hone your skills. 

best view for travel jobs

If you have experience with computers, design, accounting, and are organized and professional, this might be the job for you. 

To learn more, check out our full post: How To Find Virtual Assistant Jobs – Work Online, From Anywhere

#27 – Pinterest Designer

  • Potential Income: $5 – $10 / hour
  • Hours: Depends on Clients (20+ hours / week)
  • How To Get The Job: Post your examples in blogging communities on Facebook or email your favourite bloggers with design examples

Look at the bottom of this post and you’ll see a Pinterest pin that was created on Canva.com. It’s a pretty easy service to use.

Learn how to create cool Pinterest images on Canva and you can get hired by bloggers and brands to design Pinterest images for them. They may only pay $3 or less per image, but once you have a template you can bang them out pretty quick.

#28 – Give Online Feedback

  • Potential Income: $3 – $10 / test
  • Hours: Optional. 1 test takes 15 minutes so work 6 hours per day and earn $72+
  • How To Get The Job: Check out UserTesting and other sites

Platforms like UserTesting are great because they allow anyone to sign up and start supplying feedback on websites. It’s free to join, and you can start making money as soon as your application is accepted.

The way it works is that clients pay UserTesting for feedback, who then source the feedback needed from their testers (what you’ll be doing).

Most tests take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you’ll get paid anywhere from $3 to $10 per test. You will need a good quality headset with a good mic for your audio files to be accepted.

#29 – Online Fitness Instructor

  • Potential Income: Varies widely depending on Patreon, Ads & Students ($0 – $1000+ / month)
  • Hours: 30+ hours / week including shooting video, editing & marketing
  • How To Get The Job: Create a YouTube Channel, open a Patreon account, create killer fitness videos, market for growth

There are many great YouTube channels and videos online that include fitness classes. You could start running your own fitness classes online by recording videos of your classes and posting them on YouTube.

You can also do this by posting them on premium video hosting sites like Wistia, and making the students pay to access the content.

You can also earn money as an online fitness instructor by setting up a Patreon account and asking your students to pay you a monthly fee to publish a set amount of videos each month.

#30 – Online Yoga Instructor

  • Potential Income: $0 – $1000+ per month
  • Hours: 30+ hours / week for shooting video, editing, marketing & growth
  • How To Get The Job: Create a YouTube channel, open a Patreon account, create awesome yoga videos & market your channel for growth

Just like there are for fitness classes, there are many great YouTube channels and videos online that include yoga classes.

You could start running your own yoga classes online by recording videos of your classes and posting them on YouTube. You can also do this by posting them on premium video hosting sites like Wistia, and making the students pay to access the content.

Lastly, you can also earn money as an online yoga instructor by setting up a Patreon account and asking your students to pay you a monthly fee to publish a set amount of videos each month.

#31 – Design and Sell an App

  • Potential Income: $66,000 / year according to Payscale’s survey
  • Hours: Many hours to create, fewer once app is ready and on the market.
  • How To Get The Job: Learn how to create an app using Google Developers Training, Weebly or Udemy market & sell in app stores.

This is a tough one to do because first you’ll have to learn how to design and create an app. But it’s not impossible. There are many great tutorials online about how to create an app and sell it in the AppStore or Google Play.

We know of a travel blogging couple who created an amazing travel budget app called TrailWallet and they make a good amount of money by selling it online.

#32 – Become a YouTuber

  • Potential Income: $10,000 / 1 million views (average)
  • Hours: 40+ hours per week
  • How To Get The Job: Create a YouTube Channel

This is kind of like saying: “Become a famous actor”, because it really does take a lot of special skills to make it on YouTube, but the highest-paid YouTube creators earn millions of dollars per year, so it could be a great place to spend your time.

If you’re creative, funny and like to edit and record videos, consider starting your own YouTube channel. If your channel is all about travel, then you could easily produce content every day as you travel the world.

#33 – Become an Instagrammer

  • Potential Income: $0-$100,000+ / year. Top Instagrammers Earn $7,000+ per post
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week Many hours to shoot & edit. Many hours to grow & market a channel. Less work established.
  • How To Get The Job: Open an Instagram account

Companies love Instagram and they’re willing to pay people who have a large following to come to their destination, hotel or tour and take photos.

Instagrammers can make a great living by posting photos through brand ambassadorships, sponsored posts and giveaways.

#34 – Go Fund Me

  • Potential Income: $10,000+ … Yes people are paying random people to travel on GoFundMe
  • Hours: 3 hours to set up account, write a massive GoFundMe pitch and wait.
  • How To Get The Job: Open GoFundMe create a pitch and wait.

I wouldn’t really call this one a job, but if you’re struggling to pay for your trip and you know a lot of people who may be willing to fund your travels (ie: family, friends, social media followers, blog followers etc.) then you may be able to earn enough money to pay for a few months of travel by starting a GoFundMe for yourself.

If your travels have a purpose, like volunteering or making the world a better place, you may find that it’s easier to get funding from people who don’t know you.

#35 – Online Poker Player

  • Potential Income: $0 – $1 million per year. Average low-riskers make $1000 / month
  • Hours: 20+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Join online poker websites

There are plenty of people who can make a relatively reliable income by playing poker online and it’s a job you can do from anywhere.

Actually trying to live on poker money will always be a balance of risk to reward, but there are some travellers who travel entirely off of online poker earnings.

#36 – Take Surveys Online

  • Potential Income: $500 – $3,000 / month
  • Hours: 10 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check links below

Similar to watching ads, many companies will pay internet users to complete their surveys. Internet surveys offer businesses and advertisers useful data to help them understand their potential clientele.

If you Google: “get paid to complete surveys”, you’ll probably get a thousand results. Unfortunately, many of these results are complete scams, so you do have to be careful.

Some of the main sites to check out:

As surveys take a bit more time than watching ads, it’s more difficult to make a lot of money from this strategy, but there are reports of people earning over $1,000 per month by completing surveys.

⇒ To learn more about taking surveys, read our posts here: Paid Online Surveys – The Best Companies (That You Can Actually Trust) and our review – Survey Junkie: Is It Worth Signing Up?

#37 – Ads Manager

  • Potential Income: $500 – $10,000 / month
  • Hours: 10-40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Create a Facebook ad for your services or contact companies directly

There is a lot of money to be made from creating profit positive ad campaigns using Facebook and Google ads. I’ve been working on creating ads on and off for the last couple of years and I’ve found it very difficult to make money from it, but if you’re an expert on ad copy and the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard, you can sell your services to companies who need better ad managing.

#38 – Invest in Real Estate

  • Potential Income: $1,000 / month on average
  • Hours: 0-15 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check Fundrise if you’re American. Talk to your local investment bankers.

I know I know, this one pretty much goes against everything many nomads think of. Many of us sell our things to travel and don’t consider buying numerous houses in order to earn money.

But I’m not talking about the more traditional style of real estate investment. You don’t have to be rich for this one.

If you’re American you can get started with less money on sites like Fundrise. You can get started with a minimum investment of just $500, and Fundrise does all the heavy lifting for you.

Through the Fundrise Starter Portfolio, your money will be split into two portfolios that support private real estate around the United States.

You can earn an income through quarterly dividend payments and the potential appreciation in the value of your overall shares (just like the stock trader from earlier in this list).

Payouts typically come in the form of interest payments and property income (e.g. rent) and you’ll have to pay Fundrise 1% in management and investment advisory fees.

#39 – Download Multiple Apps

  • Potential Income: $0 – $25 (or a prize) / download
  • Hours: Only a few hours total
  • How To Get The Job: Use MobileXpression or other similar ads

There are quite a few companies these days that will actually pay you for downloading apps on your smartphone or computer.

One of the main ones is called MobileXpression. You download the app on your iPhone or Android, and once you’ve installed this app on your smartphone for one week, you get to play an instant rewards game for a prize (everyone wins something).

Some users can win a $25 Amazon gift card, but some of the other prizes include iPads and Samsung TVs.

Download apps to earn money on the side

The app collects data and helps companies better understand web and mobile usage — such as what times of day people browse, how long they stay on websites and use apps, and what types of sites and apps are popular (or not).

#40 – Hourly Gigs

  • Potential Income: $5 – $20 / hour
  • Hours: 5-40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use apps like ShiftGig and HoursTracker

If you’re living or travelling in the USA and looking for hourly gigs, try signing up for ShiftGig or HoursTracker. The platform connects workers to gigs in a number of industries, including food service, hospitality, retail and customer service.

All you have to do is download the app and send in your application. Then the Shiftgig team will review it and if you pass, you’ll be able to search for “shifts” in your area.

While the app is currently available in the US, there are talks of expanding to international markets which would be great for travellers who aren’t currently in the US!

In-Person Jobs

These are jobs that are typically very popular for travellers, but they require you to be somewhere in person.

The hours for these jobs will most likely be set and not as flexible as some other ones on this list, but for people who don’t want to work from their computers and don’t mind having a set working schedule, these are great options!

#41 – Language Tutor

  • Potential Income: $10 – $30 / hour
  • Hours: 20-40 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: If you’re already a teacher, ask the student’s parents. Otherwise, try posting flyers in schools and local parks.

Once you find a job teaching English at a school (jobs in China typically pay $1,500 – $3,000 / month), you can also find side-jobs tutoring your students.

Many parents are happy to pay good money to give their child a bit of extra time with a teacher. Tutoring jobs typically pay $30/hr and because most teaching positions in China only require 20hrs/week, you can find time to tutor!

If you end up getting a lot of tutoring jobs, you could even quit your main teaching job and become a full-time tutor at $30+ / hour! Just be sure that you’re still able to renew your working visa so that you’re employed in the country legally.

#42 – House Sitting

  • Potential Income: $0 – $1500 / month
  • Hours: With pets, maybe 5 hours / week to walk & feed. Full-time love! House sits usually have some yard jobs. Maybe 10 hours / week max
  • How To Get The Job: TrustedHouseSitters.com

This is definitely one of our favourite ways to not only earn a little bit of income, but save a ton on accommodation costs! House Sitting almost seems too good to be true.

There are luxurious homes all around the world with loving pets that you get to enjoy for free. All you have to do is SIGN UP!

We’ve house sat in Grenada, Costa Rica, Barbados and Canada and we love it.

Sometimes we get a bit of pocket money for our services, but usually it’s just a free house and a free car to explore with. Check out our post all about house sitting jobs for more about this amazing job and to sign up for the biggest and best house sitting website online.

#43 – Open a Business Overseas

  • Potential Income: $1000+ / month
  • Hours: Optional as your own boss. 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: There’s a lot to opening a business overseas. Click the link below to learn more.

Looking to go a more traditional route to earn money? Our friend Darryl combined two of his passions, cycling and coffee, and opened his own business in paradise. It earned him enough money to live in the Caribbean and take the odd trip each year!

Don’t miss our post: How To Open a Business Overseas to read more about what it takes to build a successful brick and mortar business abroad.

#44 – Waiter

  • Potential Income: $10-$20 / hour (more in tipping countries where some waitresses can earn $300+ / night in tips alone)
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

Similar to being a bartender, there are plenty of restaurants around the world that are looking for English-speaking waiters.

You don’t have to be certified for this one and while prior experience will help you land a job, it’s not always required. Typically you’ll be paid a small salary, plus you’ll get tips and sometimes free food as well.

Check these websites to find work:

#45 – Tour Guide

  • Potential Income: $10-$20 / hour
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Contact tour companies or hand in a resume

A lot of the time, these types of jobs will require some kind of previous experience, but not always. If you’re not leading groups on dangerous excursions like white water rafting or rock climbing, you may find that you can land jobs with little or no experience.

best travel jobs as a tour operator overseas

There are also sometimes tour guide jobs that simply involve being the assistant to the more experienced guides. It’s worth noting that taking this job could be stealing it directly from a local, so it’s best to contact a local company and find a job that can’t be filled by a local person first.

This applies to many of the jobs in this book, but particularly guiding is a good source of income for local people.

#46 – Sell Paintings

  • Potential Income: $10 – $1000+ / painting
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Paint and set up a street stall or sell your work online

Selling paintings isn’t the most lucrative travel job on this list, but if you love art then it could be right up your alley. Even if you can just earn enough to help supplement your travels by selling your paintings.


Grenada’s version of street art 😍 We’re constantly amazed by the people we meet and the adventures we have here. This rundown building is in the middle of nowhere between towns, and when we saw the colourful art on display, we had to stop! We chatted with the artist, Kennedy, and ended up buying a painting of his. There is some incredible talent on this tiny island for sure. It’s always nice to support local talent while travelling, whether it’s singers, dancers, painters, sculptures or jewelers. We love our little painting and we’ll always remember our time spent chatting with this character 😊 #FollowGrenada @discovergrenada ••••••••••••••••• #grenada #igersgrenada #ig_grenada #caribbean #irep473 #473 #spiceisle #caribbeantravel #travelawesome #alwaystravel #bestintravel #artist #rasta #rastaman #travel #instagood #picofday #digitalnomad #travelblogger #puregrenada

A post shared by Nick & Dariece (@goatsontheroad) on

We once met a guy who funded his entire trip through South and Central America by selling his art. You’ll need to be creative to earn money with this one, but it is possible.

#47 – Manage Properties For Someone Else

  • Potential Income: $15 – $30 / hour
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Contact Airbnb owners or people who rent their apartments out on nightly or weekly basis.

Manage Properties: Sometimes people own numerous Airbnbs in a city, but they don’t have time to manage the check-ins and check-outs. Contact hosts on Airbnb and ask if they need help for a fee. If you have experience managing properties, great. In many cases you’ll just need people skills to meet and check in the guests.

#48 – Dog Walker

  • Potential Income: $5-$10 / dog per walk (1 hour)
  • Hours: 10 – 25 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Post up flyers or post in local Facebook communities. Also you could target dog owners in your area with ads on Facebook

You might be surprised at how much you can earn as a dog walker. If you’re living in one city for a while, you can really build up a clientele.

Post up some signs, or start a Facebook Page in a town with lots of dogs and charge $5 per dog, per hour-long walk. If you get a group of 5 or 6 dogs that all get along, this can earn you good money.

We met one guy in Mexico who walked about 8 dogs on the beach every day and was likely earning a good amount of money from it!

#49 – Pool Care

  • Potential Income: $5-$20 / hour
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Put up flyers in neighbourhoods with many pools or advertise in Facebook communities. You could also contact Airbnb owners in your area

There are plenty of villas and luxury mansions around the world that have pools. These pools need maintenance! If you know how, post up some signs and see if you can find work.

If you don’t yet know how to maintain a pool, go on YouTube and start researching. It shouldn’t take you more than a week, plus a bit of practice, to get good enough to be hired as a pool cleaner.

#50 – Teach Your Skills

  • Potential Income: $5-$30 / hour
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Local cafes or post online

best travel job earning money online by selling courses

Are you really good at a skill that many people want to learn? Are you a web designer? A home designer? A social media expert? A good dog trainer? Whatever you know, you can monetize it by teaching others. You can find jobs teaching by either posting up signs at local cafes and hostels, or online.

#51 – Creating Videos For Companies

  • Potential Income: $500 – $5,000 / video
  • Hours: Optional Depends on how large your clientele is. 1 Video may take 1 week to complete
  • How To Get The Job: Post your videos on YouTube & contact travel companies with examples

Because videos are so valuable, you may also find that companies contact you and ask you to create a video for them. These can pay between $500 – $5,000 each. If you have video editing experience, you may be able to contact travel websites, airlines, hotels and tour companies and offer them to make a video for them for a cost.

#52 – Street Vendor

  • Potential Income: $0 – $100 / day (depending on city & items for sale)
  • Hours: Optional. 40 hours / week to actually earn most likely
  • How To Get The Job: Create a product & sell it curbside

I’m not sure how I feel about this one as a viable travel job as, like guiding and selling art, it may be directly taking money out of local’s pockets who need it more than you, but if you’re in an area where there aren’t currently any vendors, or you manage to actually hire locals to help you sell, then this could be a great travel job.

#53 – Work Festivals

  • Potential Income: $10 – $15 / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Apply directly at festivals and events or contact HotBox Events

Believe it or not, it is possible to make a decent income for travel by working the festival circuit and you don’t need to head a main act either. There are jobs needed for installations, event staff, and food vendors too.

Festivals tend to hire plenty of staff before, during and after the events and some travellers have been able to time their travels through the major event circuits in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US to have near constant work throughout the year.

#54 – Fisherman

  • Potential Income: $20+ / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check websites below

There are seasonal jobs that need fishermen on deck for deep-sea fishing expeditions. These pay surprisingly well. A childhood friend of mine was actually earning a large amount of money as a fisherman off the coast of Australia.

To land this type of jobs, you can check out websites like BLS to find postings. Also Indeed.com and FindaFishingBoat.com have some listings.

There are quite a few seasonal fishing jobs in Australia, China, Japan and Alaska.

#55 – Work at a Ski Resort

  • Potential Income: $15+ / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Go to ski resorts & apply

Another great option for travellers. As a BC Native who spent a lot of time in Canada’s ski resorts, I know all about the job opportunities available for travellers in this sector. If you’ve visited a ski resort in Canada, you may have noticed that pretty much everyone working there is from Australia.

earn money to pay for travel. Get a job as a ski instructor

But the jobs aren’t reserved for our Aussie friends and there are also jobs available in other snowy nations like Sweden, France and Switzerland.

#56 – Street Musician

  • Potential Income: $23 / hour or $532 / 12 hour shift (according to this Time article)
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Learn an instrument and post up in an affluent part of town!

If you know how to play an instrument, why not start playing on the street and see if people start offering you money for your tunes. This can actually be quite lucrative in major cities and it’s a great way to earn some money while making the people around you feel good. Who doesn’t love the saxophone player in the New York subway?

#57 – Street Magician

  • Potential Income: $49,000 / yr according to chron.com article
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Learn magic, perform in popular city centers (may need permit in some places)

I actually saw quite a few travellers doing this in Mexico City. Not to be confused with street musicians, the specialized skills of a street magician can really impress passers-by enough to pull out their wallet.

For this one, you’ll definitely have to be good, because nobody is going to give you money to pull a quarter from behind their ear.

#58 – Fly Fishing Guide

  • Potential Income: $50 – $75 / hour
  • Hours: 20-40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Contact fly fishing tour companies

As an avid angler myself, if I was a bit better of a fly fisherman I would love to try this job out. I prefer to hire a fly fishing guide, rather than fail at being one!

I had one fly fishing guide in Argentina who had been earning a decent income for 20 years as a fly fisherman and travelling domestically all around the south of the country, as well as some guiding in the US.

#59 – Pet Day Care

  • Potential Income: $15 – $35 / day per animal
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Get licenced (if needed in the country), buy pet care products, advertise your business

I’ve already included house sitting on this list, but you can also get hired as a pet sitter. Some pet sitting jobs may be just like babysitting jobs, where you go and visit the animals while the owners are at work. These jobs can pay surprisingly well.

You can still find these types of jobs on TrustedHouseSitters.com (jobs here are typically unpaid), but you could also find work by posting up flyers in suburban neighbourhoods, posting online, and by word of mouth.

I have one friend who takes dogs to his own house (rather than staying in the pet owner’s house) when the owners go away.

He has had as many as 12 dogs at his house at one time and made a decent income from it. There are other people who have decided to open a home pet daycare company and have been able to earn as much as $5,000 / month by having numerous pets subscribed to come 5 days per week month after month.

As a traveller, your best bet is to look after dogs in the owner’s home. To find this work the best place is still online house sitting networks, flyers and Facebook communities.

Volunteer Travel Jobs

You may not earn any money from doing these jobs, but your life will be rich in experiences.

Some of our best travel experiences have come through the moments when we had the opportunity to give back. Here are some of the best volunteer jobs for travellers.

#60 – Teacher Volunteer

  • Potential Income: $0. Often get free room and board
  • Hours: Optional – Work as much or as little as you want!
  • How To Get The Job: There are plenty of great places to find jobs teaching english online

Okay so this job isn’t going to earn you money, but it will earn you some satisfaction knowing that you’ll be giving back. Check out sites like WorkAway.info and they’ll help place you in a job. Sometimes you can also find volunteer teaching jobs posted at cafes, restaurants and hostels. Volunteering is a good way to get experience for paid teaching jobs down the road.

#61 – Working in Hostels

  • Potential Income: Usually $0 but free room (and sometimes free board). Some management jobs may pay $10-$15 / hour
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Walk into hostels or check websites like HostelJobs.net

This method is becoming more and more popular amongst backpackers the world over. In most cases, travellers show up at a hostel and instead of just checking in, they offer their services and skills around the place in exchange for free accommodation and often food and wages as well!

Not only is this a great way to fund your adventures, but it’s also a great way to meet new people and learn about cool new travel destinations.


  • Potential Income: $0 volunteer work but with room & board
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check WWOOF Website

This one has a funny name but it’s a very popular travel job. Working on organic farms can be a very fruitful way of adding to your travel piggy-bank while on the road.

WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms) is a great organization that originally started in England in 1971, but can now be found from Kenya to Kazakhstan, Australia to America and everywhere in between.

#63 – Volunteer Anything

  • Potential Income: $0
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check websites below

We’ve already talked about volunteering to teach English, but you can also volunteer doing a ton of other cool jobs. Check out these websites to find volunteering opportunities all over the world:

  • WorkAway.info
  • TransitionsAbroad.com
  • GoAbroad.com

#64 – Work at SPCA

  • Potential Income: Usually Volunteer Work $0 (veterinarians get paid)
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Find job listings on SPCA website or contact local SPCAs while you’re travelling for volunteer work.

If you love animals, go help out at the local animal shelter while you’re on the road. Mostly this will be volunteer work, but if you have a skill you may get paid. Many places also hire temporary vets and vet techs for pay and offer them room and board as well.

#65 – Work on Sailboats

  • Potential Income: Usually volunteer. Free transport & sailing. Sometimes $10+ / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Hang out at piers and marinas or use websites below

We’ve met plenty of people who have travelled around the Caribbean and around the world for free by volunteering on sailboats.

Oftentimes, sailors need a crew to help them with longer crossings and the day-to-day job of captaining and maintaining a boat. If you want to try your hand at being a skipper, you can check out websites like the ones listed below to find work.

sailing instructor as a travel job

Check out these websites to find opportunities:

#66 Peace Corps & NGO Work

  • Potential Income: Likely $0 – Great experiences
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Apply using links below

Perhaps one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs on this list, if you’d like to give back to less fortunate communities while travelling and living abroad, then NGO work may be the best place to start. Check websites like Interaction.org and AidBoard.com to find listings.

Keep in mind that working for these organizations is a difficult, full-time job and it takes a long time before you start earning any real money from it, but your life may be richer in experience by taking a position.

If you’re American, you may want to consider joining the Peace Corps.

Certification Required Travel Jobs

These jobs, while technically still available for everyone, will require some prior training and certification before getting started. Some of the training can be completed in just a few weeks, but you won’t be able to land a job without it.

#67 – Teach a Language

  • Potential Income: $500 – $3,000 / month
  • Hours: 20-40 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check online job postings on sites like DavesESLcafe.com
  • Certification Required: TEFL Certificate & University Degree

The easiest jobs to find are English Teaching jobs and you don’t necessarily have to be first language to find work. Check out Our Teaching English Section and we’ll help you get certified and find a job!

We personally taught English in China for a year and absolutely loved the work. We only worked around 20 hours per week and had an amazing time getting to know our students and our new friends in China.

Most jobs these days will require you to have a degree. It doesn’t have to be a degree in teaching or language, but almost all countries require some sort of degree in order to land a legal working visa. You’ll also want to have a TEFL certificate, which you can get online.

In many cases though, you can volunteer as a teacher and get free room and board. To find postings, check cafes, hostels and job boards in the countries you’re travelling in. We found our English teaching job posted on a bulletin board in a hostel!

To learn more about teaching English abroad, have a look at our posts here:

#68 – Au Pair

  • Potential Income: $200 – $500 / week
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Websites like Au Pair World or Au Pair.com

An au pair is basically a nanny and there are plenty of jobs available all over the globe. Everyone could use a little help around the house and being an au pair is a great way to sustain your travels.

Jobs can pay very well and while you’re working, all of your accommodation and food is usually covered. Perfect for big savings! Check out our post Earning Money To Travel As an Au Pair to read all about how to find a job as an Au pair, how much money you can make and what the job entails.

You might be surprised to learn just how easily you can earn money and enjoy free accommodation around the world.

#69 – Bartending

  • Potential Income: $10 – $20 / hour (more in tipping countries)
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Ask at bars, pubs and hotel bars. Check listings on BartenderSchool.com & WorkAbroad.com

Travel Jobs Make Money As a Bartender

An oldie but a goodie. There are a ton of jobs bartending around the world. It’s handy to have some bartending experience but it isn’t always obligatory.

If you’d like to go the official route, check out sites like Bartending Online and start studying for your bartending certificate or head into your favourite bar on the road and ask for a job. Click here to read more about working abroad as a bartender. 

#70 – Working on a Cruise Ship

  • Potential Income: $1,800 – $5,000 / month
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work
  • Certification Required: Usually a university degree

This is one of the most lucrative jobs you’ll find while travelling. If you have a degree and some experience in hospitality, you should have no problem finding a job aboard one of these sea-bound giants. Degrees and experience aren’t always obligatory, but they definitely help.

travel jobs working on a cruise ship

Cruise ships are an excellent option for those who love money and open seas. Just ask Wandering Earl who has funded most of his travels from the incredible earnings he’s made on cruise ships.

It’s no walk in the park and you will definitely have to be prepared to live at sea for a few weeks at a time, but when you’ve finished a stint at sea, you can sail away with a pocket full of cash to travel the world with.

Don’t miss our posts: How To Make Money & Travel The World as a Cruise Ship Worker (an interview) and How To Find Cruise Ship Jobs: The Ultimate Guide to read more about how to find work, how much you’ll get paid and what the job entails.

Check these sites for cruise ship job listings:

#71 – Become a Masseuse

  • Potential Income: Average $33 / hour – $55 / 90 minute session
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Click link below to find out how to get work as a masseuse
  • Certification Required: Masseuse Certificate

You might be surprised at just how easy it is to get certified as a masseuse. Take the courses in Asia for very cheap, build up a clientele and you could be earning enough money to save for travel in no time. Plus, the job is a pretty great workout.

best travel job is to Become a Thai Yoga Masseuse and Earn Money For Travel!

Don’t miss our post: How To Make Money & Travel As a Masseuse to read more about the job and learn how to get certified, how long it takes and how much you can actually earn as a full-time masseuse.

#72 – Become a Dive Instructor

  • Potential Income: $10 – $15 / hour
  • Hours: 30 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use link below to find work
  • Certification Required: PADI Dive Instructor License

This is probably one of the best travel jobs out there. Loads of dive shops around the world are looking for native English speakers to help lead their dives. They may not pay the best, but who doesn’t want to make the coral reef their office?!

finding the best travel jobs for dive masters

See Also: How To Become a Dive Master & Earn Money For Travel to learn more about how you can get certified, how to find work and how much you’ll be paid as a dive instructor.

#73 – Work in Australia

  • Potential Income: Minimum legal salary is $17.95 AUD / hour
  • Hours: 30 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Use link below to find work
  • Certification Required: Australian Working Visa

Australia has long been a backpacker’s working paradise because of the relative ease of obtaining a working visa in the country. Once you have your visa, you can find any kind of job under the sun.

Working in Australia (or New Zealand) is a great way to work abroad (if you’re not an Aussie or Kiwi), and still earn some money for travel. Plus, the jobs pay pretty well!

See Also: How To Get a Working Holiday Visa in Australia

#74 – Hair Stylist

  • Potential Income: $10-$30 / hour (+tips)
  • Hours: 10 – 40 hours / week
  • How To Get The Job: Apply at salons or online using links below
  • Certification Required: Hair Stylist Certificate or Diploma

Once you are a trained hairstylist, you can work anywhere in the world. This is a great job to earn a decent hourly income while enjoying a life of freedom, travel and adventure. We met a woman who has been using her profession to live and travel abroad for 20 years!

Useful links to find jobs:

#75 – Fitness Instructor

  • Potential Income: $20 – $50 / hour
  • Hours: Depends on Clients (20+ hours / week)
  • How To Get The Job: Either work for a gym, or try to drum up business in gyms and fitness centers working for yourself
  • Certification Required: CPR/AED Certificate & Group Fitness Training Certificate

This isn’t only a great way to earn money travelling, it’s also a good way to stay fit while you’re living abroad or on the road. Definitely you’ll have more success if you base yourself in one place, rather than travelling full-time, but if you’re able to build up a clientele in one city, you can make good money as a fitness instructor.

#76 – Yoga Instructor

  • Potential Income: $10+ / hour
  • Hours: 3 – 5 hours / day
  • How To Get The Job: Walk into yoga retreats & yoga studios and apply or post flyers & drum up your own clientele
  • Certification Required: Yoga Instructor Certificate

This is one of the most popular travel jobs and there are many places where it’s easy to find work. Head into hotels, yoga studios and wellness centers to see if they’re looking for, or would like to consider running a yoga class on their premises.

yoga instructor is a good job to earn money for travel

#77 – Professional Chef

  • Potential Income: $10 – $50 / hour (depending on country & restaurant)
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Walk into restaurants and ask or check listings on sites like Caterer.com & GoAbroad
  • Certification Required: Food Safety & Sanitation, World Chefs Culinary Certification sometimes needed

become a chef to earn money for travel.

This one will likely take some previous experience, but if you walk into restaurants and ask the head chef or manager if they need another chef, you may find that you can find work quite easily. If you don’t have experience but are a quick learner and eager to be taught, you may be able to find work at hostel restaurants and cafeterias.

You can also check listings on these sites:

#78 – Surf Instructor

  • Potential Income: $10 – $50 / lesson depending on country
  • Hours: 40+ / week (including waiting for students)
  • How To Get The Job: Ask surf shops & hotels or drum up business on the beach yourself
  • Certification Required: ISA Life Guard Certificate, CPR Certificate, Surf Instructor Certificate

If you love surfing and have a passion for sharing it with others and teaching, you may consider becoming a surf instructor. In places like Bali, Hawaii, Fiji, Mexico and South Africa where there are countless surf shops, you may not have a difficult time landing a job.

#79 – Deliver Boats / Work On a Yacht

  • Potential Income: Up to $2 / km. Long-distance yacht delivery can be $5,000+
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check websites below
  • Certification Required: Sailing Certification & Captains License

You’ll need to have a lot of experience to get a job delivering boats, but it can actually be a great way to earn income and if you love sailing, you can sail someone else’s boat from one place to another and earn money.

I met a guy in the Caribbean who was earning a lot of money by delivering luxury yachts from one port to another. He had built up a clientele and because of this, he was able to travel, while earning a lot of money and living on expensive yachts!

If you’re not interested in delivering yachts, you can apply to work on one! Sail from port to port on a luxury boat. Learn more about yacht jobs in our post here

Check these websites for job listings:

#80 – Deliver Cars

  • Potential Income: Up to $25 / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Check websites below
  • Certification Required: Valid Driver’s Licence (IDL in some countries)

Car rental companies, car manufacturers and RV companies sometimes pay people to deliver cars back to the main office from where their customers dropped them.

Most of these companies do hire professional drivers on a full-time basis, but you can also find work as a freelancer doing deliveries on sites like DAS Auto Shippers and RV Transport hire drivers.

HitTheRoad.ca is a well known Canadian company that offers mostly long-distance, one way, one trip driving contracts for cars, while AutoDriveAway has listings for the USA.

#81 – Travelling Nurse

  • Potential Income: $15,000 / year up to $125,000 / year for experienced nurses in Luxemburg (highest paid)
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Use websites below
  • Certification Required: Diploma in Associates Nursing (ADN)

Travel Job become a travelling nurse

This is definitely one of the most noble travel professions and you can do it as a volunteer or as a paid employee.

There are too many places in the world in dire need of medical professionals, so if you have experience in this field, it can be a great way to travel and earn money (if you’re not already doing so).

Some great websites for job listings include:

#82 – Flight Attendant

  • Potential Income: $39,000 / year according to PayScale estimates. $48,500 according to Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Apply directly with airlines or check this page for listings
  • Certification Required: Completed individual airline’s training certification, CPR & evacuation training

I’m not sure how this one appears so late in this list! This is definitely one of the best travel jobs in the world. You’ll have to complete an airline-provided training course (usually around 5-6 weeks long) and you’ll have to get a Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency, but after that you’ll have landed one of the coolest travel jobs in the world.

According to Time.com: The median salary for a flight attendant in May 2016 was $48,500, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. PayScale estimates the average pay for a flight attendant is a bit lower — landing around $39,000 a year. The range in flight attendants’ salaries depends on their level of experience. Check this page for job listings.

#83 – Kayak Instructor

  • Potential Income: $20,000 – $50,000 / year. Often $10 – $40 / hour
  • Hours: 40+ / week
  • How To Get The Job: Apply directly with airlines or check this page for listings
  • Certification Required: First Aid, CPR & Kayak Training & Testing Completed

If you are a pro with the paddle, you may be able to land a job as a kayak instructor at an adventure outdoors company overseas. In Canada, there are plenty of places where they’re always looking for new instructors, and in popular kayaking destinations like South Africa and the US, you can often find work either as a volunteer or on a paid salary.

#84 – Kitesurfing Instructor

  • Potential Income: Upwards of $45 / hour. Typically profit share with Kitesurfing rental company
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. Must hang out at shop or on beach
  • How To Get The Job: Walk beaches, contact kitesurfing shops. Check kitesurfatlas.com for jobs
  • Required Certification: Recommended Life Guard, First Aid & CPR Certificates

Another very specialized travel job, this one can actually be quite profitable and because it’s so specialized it’s not as hard to find work, as long as you’re looking in popular kitesurfing locales.

If you have extra kit, you could also try to instruct as a freelancer on the beach, but be careful because it’s illegal to solicit unregistered business on many beaches around the world.

#85 – Ski Instructor

  • Potential Income: $9 – $15 / hour on average. $20 / hour on the high end
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Go to ski resorts to apply or check listings on websites below
  • Certification Required: First Aid, CPR & Ski Instructor License

I know I already listed “work in ski resorts” on this list, but that was mostly for jobs working on the lifts and they don’t require any previous experience. If you’re a great skiier and have teaching experience, you may be able to land a good-paying job as a ski instructor.

travel job become a ski instructor best ways to earn money for travel

Some good websites for finding a travel job as a ski instructor:

#86 – Sailing Instructor

  • Potential Income: $10 – $50 / hour
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Build your own clientele or apply at sailing companies
  • Certification Required: ASA Certification (or equivalent), CPR & First Aid

If you’re an expert captain, you can run courses on sailing from your own sailboat. You’ll need to complete your training and pass the ASA certification test which includes knowledge and skills assessment, safety knowledge, ability to communicate on the water, and 3 written exams. Instructors must also be CPR and first aid certified.

#87 – Forest Fire Fighter

  • Potential Income: Upwards of $40,000 / 6 month season
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check FireRecruit.com (US), Adzuna (Australia) & Indeed (worldwide)
  • Certification Required: HSQ & WCT (or local equivalent) as well as First Aid & CPR

Because this is often a government-paid job, you will definitely have to have a legal working visa in the country in order to land work. If you want to try your hand at firefighting in your home country to save for your next big trip, it could be a great job that’s both heroic and rewarding.

According to some firefighters in the US and Canada, it’s possible to make as much as $40,000 USD in 6 months as a firefighter. There are also plenty of volunteer positions available.

To get hired, you’ll need to complete a health screening questionnaire (HSQ) and a work capacity test (WCT). You must complete a 3-mile hike carrying a 45-pound pack in 45 minutes or less.

No Experience Needed Travel Jobs

These jobs you can do on the road won’t require you to have any previous experience, certification or training, so they’re great for everyone.

They’re all jobs that you’ll most likely have to be there in person, at least to some extent, but they’re still great options for people who have no previous training or experience.

#88 – Harvesting & Planting

  • Potential Income: $10 – $20 / hour. Sometimes more on piece work if you’re fast
  • Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Find listings in Australia on Seek.com or Indeed.ca for Canada

Get ready to get dirty and sweaty to earn a buck at these jobs. Easily found in Australia, New Zealand, North America and parts of Europe, harvesting and planting jobs can pay a pretty penny if you work hard enough.

We’ve talked to people who have left home with no money, picked fruit or harvested wine grapes in Australia and funded months of travels from their efforts.

In Canada, you can make a great wage planting trees, but you better get your rhythm down because you have to plant quickly to make big bucks in the forest.

#89 – Rent Out Your Place on Airbnb

  • Potential Income: $500 – $5,000+ per month (scalable with multiple properties)
  • Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week (less if you hire a manager to check-in your guests)
  • How To Get The Job: Buy a house, set up an Airbnb account and post your listing

make money for travel by renting an airbnb

If you have a property, you could make a lot of money by renting it on Airbnb. Try to rent it on a nightly basis and you will probably make double what you do from renting it on year-long leases. While you’re abroad, you can hire a management company or ask a family member to help manage the property.

This is an excellent way to pay off your mortgage while you’re travelling, or if you own the property outright, earn cash in your pocket.

To learn more about becoming a host, check out our full post here: How To Become An Airbnb Host – A Guide For Beginners

#90 – Sublet Your Apartment Rental Abroad

  • Potential Income: $500+ / month (more with multiple properties)
  • Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week checking in and out nightly and weekly guests (less work for monthly rentals)
  • How To Get The Job: Rent a property long-term and get a discount, then rent it out as a vacation rental at 200-500% the price. Nightly rates earn the most but take more time cleaning, checking in etc.

If you’re staying in one place for a long time, you can rent a villa or apartment long-term (1 year or more) and ask the owner if it’s okay to sublet.

In Bali, lots of people do this to make a lot of money. Yearly rentals are cheaper than monthly and nightly, so you’ll make some extra cash, you’ll just have to manage check-in, check-outs etc.

When we lived in Bali, we met many people who were taking advantage of this. Some had rented for as long as 10 years to get a super-low monthly rate, and then sublet the places for double what they were paying.

#91 – Selling Jewelry

  • Potential Income: Depends on quality & price of your goods
  • Hours: 40+ / week to earn a living
  • How To Get The Job: Set up a street stall or sell online

This one goes pretty well with #63 on this list because many people who use street vending as a travel job will be selling jewelry. But if you love creating jewelry and don’t want to potentially take jobs from locals, you could sell your jewelry online on your own website, on Amazon or on eBay.

You can also use Facebook and Instagram advertising and content marketing to drive traffic to your product on Amazon or on your website to maximize sales.

#92 – Sell Imported Goods

  • Potential Income: $1,000+ per shipment
  • Hours: 40+ for garage sale & spreading the word
  • How To Get The Job: Buy stuff abroad, bring it home and sell it to your friends, family and people on Craigslist

This is actually quite a common travel job for those who are business-savvy and know how to sell items easily. Again if you have your own blog or social media audience, this could be quite easy.

You’ll want to stuff your luggage with as much purchased goods as you legally can.

Think of cool things that people would want to buy in your home country like free trade coffee, carvings, paintings and jewelry. Then bring those home and sell them to friends and family or have a sort-of garage sale where you sell beautiful art and items from your travels.

I know one person who does this and has profited as much as 1000% on the items he purchased overseas. It’s a great way to earn some extra income for your next trip.

#93 – Extra

  • Potential Income: $8 – $12.50 / hour
  • Hours: Depends entirely on how many jobs you can get
  • How To Get The Job: Local talent agencies. Check Backstage.com for listings in US

No, this isn’t “the extra travel job” on the list, I’m talking about actually being an extra in a movie or tv show.

You can head into any talent agency overseas and put in your application. In many countries, it’s hard for them to find foreign faces to play parts in movies so you may actually end up with a bigger paid part than expected!

#94 – Model

  • Potential Income: $100 – $400 / day on an amateur level for magazines
  • Hours: 8 – 10 hours per day depends on shoot length
  • How To Get The Job: Local talent agencies. Check freelancer.com for some bids on jobs

Don’t worry, if you are like me and you don’t think you’re the “model type”, you can still get a job overseas! Like being an extra, many companies need a bit of multiculturalism in their marketing efforts, so they’ll pay you to model for photos.

We were paid to do this in China and all we had to do was sit in an office setting and pretend to answer phones and be part of the team while a professional photographer took pictures of us.

The director made it quite clear that we were only hired because we were foreigners and he made many jokes about it. But, we were okay with it!

#95 – Go To Timeshare Seminars

  • Potential Income: Upwards of $100 per session + free meals and tours
  • Hours: 2 – 6 hours per tour
  • How To Get The Job: Walk around areas with timeshare salesmen and talk to them

Sometimes timeshare companies actually pay you to go on their “tours”. They’ll pick you up at your hotel, wine and dine you and then drill you with why you NEED TO buy a timeshare.

If you can ignore all of their pushy sales pitches, you can actually earn a little bit of side income (and enjoy free meals and day trips) this way.

I talked to one timeshare representative in Mexico who was willing to give me half of his commission to visit a timeshare. This was going to equate to $200 in his pocket and $200 in mine, but I’m pretty sure it was illegal or at least against the rules so I declined.

#96 – Sell Timeshares

  • Potential Income: 2-3 sales / week = $70,000 – $120,000 / year (average)
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Contact OPCs. Check listings on SimplyHired.com

If you don’t want to go the shady route, you can legally and legitimately sell timeshares as a travel job. These companies have HUGE budgets and are always looking for people to sell their tours.

You’ll have to have sales experience and be personable, but in some destinations where they really want a foreign face to sell their timeshares, it can be much easier to find a job.

One way to land a job may be to go on a timeshare tour (like mentioned above) and then try to meet the marketing director to apply for a job.

#97 – Stage Hand

  • Potential Income: Average $17.95 / hour according to PayScale surveys
  • Hours: 40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Check links below or apply directly at theatres & arts centers

Do you have a local band that you love and you also have experience as a roadie? You can sign-up for sites like RoadieJobs.com and check out their job listings to see if you can land some work. If you are experienced, you may be able to reach out to some local bands directly on Facebook, but don’t expect a reply back unless you know them personally.

#98 – Sell Your Stuff!

  • Potential Income: How much stuff do you have?
  • Hours: Many hours to put on craigslist and ebay and have a garage sale
  • How To Get The Job: Post ads, posters and put your things on online marketplaces like eBay and Craigslist

Okay, this isn’t really a “travel job” but it’s a really big job for many of us travellers who have a bunch of clothing and furniture stored at family and friends’ homes. Next time you go back to your home country for a visit, consider rounding up all of your things and selling them.

You can have a garage sale, or you can sell your items on sites like Ebay and Craiglist. Make sure you post EVERYTHING up. You may be surprised at how true it is that “one person’s trash is another’s treasure”.

#99 – Be A Travel Hacker

  • Potential Income: Upwards of $20,000 per year in free travel & rewards
  • Hours: 20+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Apply for best cards, meet minimum spending requirements, rack up points on categorical purchases

Again, not fully a “job”, but if you’re savvy with your credit card reward points, you can earn A LOT of cashback and free travel from your rewards cards.

Americans definitely have the best earning cards, but us Canadians and those in the UK and parts of Europe can also earn some decent points.

To get started, check online for credit cards that have sign-up bonuses. You can sign up for a few of them, meet the minimum spending requirements and then cancel them. Some sign-up bonuses are good for $500 or more in free travel.

See Also: The Beginner’s Guide To Travel Hacking

#100 – Don’t Store Your Clothes, Rent Them!

  • Potential Income: Around $5 – $40 / rental
  • Hours: Need someone to manage (5 – 10 hours / week)
  • How To Get The Job: Use apps like StyleLend or websites like RentMyWardrobe.com

If you have excellent style and a wide variety of clothes in your closet, then why package them all up when you’re going on a long trip when you can rent them and earn money instead? 

You can rent out your clothing online through Style Lend or Rent My Wardrobe, or, for special-occasion or high-end designer clothes, try Rent the Runway.

Seeing as you won’t be there to actually give and receive back the clothing, you’ll have to have a family member willing to help you manage the rentals while you’re away.

Make sure to read the fine print on rental sites. Some don’t charge any fees to the buyers and sellers, but some charge a rental commission per order. You’ll need to price your wears accordingly to account for any commission handed over to the company.

#101 – Rent Out Your Car

  • Potential Income: $400+ / month. $20 – $40 / day
  • Hours: Depends on clients and number of cars. 10 – 20 hours per week
  • How To Get The Job: Buy a car and rent it on Facebook or the Getaround App (major US cities only) or HyreCar.com

Similar to your clothing, if you own a car you may be able to rent it out while you’re away. You’ll find dozens of postings on local Facebook groups of people who are looking to rent a car, you can also post yours for rent.

We’ve rented from Facebook groups around the world and have paid about $500 for a month’s rental.

rent your car to earn money for travel while on the road

Particularly if you’re living in a university town, or a town with a lot of transient workers, you may be able to rent your car out. Just make sure you have full insurance and that your insurance will cover another driver.

Alternatively (only for Americans from a few major city centers)… there’s an app for that!

With the Getaround app, you can safely rent out your car to people in your community and neighbourhood. The company insures your car for each trip, offers 24/7 roadside assistance and screens drivers for a safe driving record.

Unfortunately, this app is only available for a few major cities in the US right now, so if you’re not from a major American city, you’ll probably have to go the (slightly more risky) private rental on Facebook route.

Bonus Job

Well, I suppose it’s not really so much a bonus, as it is a reminder. The #1 travel job on this list and our personal favourite was travel blogging, but you can start your own website about anything you’d like and all blogs can be surprisingly lucrative.

#102 – Run Your Own Website (About Anything)

  • Potential Income: $500 – $50,000+ / month (top bloggers earn millions of dollars per year)
  • Hours: 4-40+ hours / week. 
  • How To Get The Job: Start a new blog, take our course and begin building a brand and earning money online

Yes, this is a lot like the first travel job on this list, but you don’t have to run a “travel blog” in order to make money. You can literally start any type of blog about any topic and make money from it.

There are people making great money from mommy blogs, cooking blogs, recipe blogs, marketing blogs, construction blogs and so much more.

blogging is the best travel job of all!

With our Free Beginners WordPress Video Training Course you don’t need to just start a travel blog. If you start any type of blog, you’ll still get the free course and we’ll show you the skills it takes to grow an audience and earn money, in any niche.

Which Travel Jobs Are Right For You?

There you have it. This is by far the longest and most exhaustive list of travel jobs online today. You won’t find a bigger or better list anywhere on the web.

With almost every single one of these 101 travel jobs we’ve either done them ourselves, interviewed people on our blog about them or know someone actually earning money from them.

None of these are get rich quick schemes, but if you look through this list and can’t find something that you like, you probably won’t earn money while travelling.

You might as well save up from your job at home and then head out on the road once your bank account is full enough.

Because there are so many travel jobs on this list and so many of them pay well, I’m confident that if you give it an honest shot, you could land a good travel job this month and start earning money while on the road.

make money travel blogging

If you’re not looking for work right now, but you’re saving up for a big trip, use this list as a bit of motivation.

Maybe you don’t need to save as much money as you thought! If you save enough to leave for a month or two, and then start working and earning money while on the road, you might be able to bump up that departure to an earlier date!

However you choose to use this list, I hope you enjoyed it and as always, we’re here to help with any questions you may have about working and earning money while travelling the world.

Happy travels!


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working on a laptop at the beach at sunset with text overlay the best travel jobsworld map, coffee and laptop on a table with text overlay 101 best travel jobslaptop and coffee with text overlay the ultimate list of travel jobs


Cocktail on beach with text overlay Your Ultimate List of Travel Jobs
Campervan in front of palm trees with text overlay 101 Best Travel Jobs That Can Earn You Money While Travelling
Fishermen and sunset with text overlay The Best Travel Jobs

The post 101 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money On The Road appeared first on Goats On The Road.

from Goats On The Road https://www.goatsontheroad.com/best-travel-jobs/
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