Traditional Visa vs. eVisa: Which is the Better Choice?

As a world traveler who has been criss-crossing the globe in search of new adventures since my late teens, I know the pain of having to apply for visas, which are essential in the world of travel. There are two main ways in which you can apply for a visa: the traditional way and electronically. But before we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both, let’s dive into what a visa is and what it allows travelers to do.  

What is a Visa?

Not only do visas allow foreigners to enter a specific territory or country legally, but they can also provide authorization for foreigners to remain in a certain country or give them permission to leave it.  Visas also include other important information, such as the amount of time someone is allowed to spend in a country on that visa, the dates they’re allowed to enter that country, how many times they’re allowed to visit it, and if and how they’re allowed to work while staying in that country. They’re one of the single most important travel documents anyone can possess. But unfortunately, obtaining a visa can be a nightmare.

Traditional Visas

The traditional process of getting a visa can be time-consuming and inconvenient for many. In order to apply the traditional way, travelers often have to wake up extremely early, often well before dawn, so they can drive several hours to their nearest embassy or consulate. Once there, they then often have to stand in long, slow-moving queues to fill out lengthy forms by hand. These forms can sometimes be confusing and take a great deal of time to complete. Then, of course, there is the uncertain wait period that follows, where travelers must wait to find out whether or not they will be approved.

One great thing about the process is that, although it’s lengthy and inconvenient, the visa travelers receive at the end ultimately gets them one step closer to their goal of traveling to that country. It provides them with all the information they’ll need to know about their particular travel and work situation.


eVisa is an abbreviation of the term “electronic visa.” Travelers can apply for electronic visas via an online application on the website of the country they want to visit or through online services like Byevisa.

One of the greatest advantages of applying for a visa electronically is that eVisas allow you to bypass all of the laborious and frustrating elements that come with applying for a visa the traditional way. By choosing an eVisa over a traditional visa, international travelers can apply for travel authorization from their own personal laptop, tablet, or phone.

It’s so easy and quick, travelers can complete their application on their next bus or train ride, during their lunch break, while waiting for their kids to get out of soccer practice, or best of all, from the convenience of your own home. The quick and easy eVisa application process is a godsend for travelers who lead busy home lives and don’t have the time to dedicate an entire day to visiting their nearest embassy or consulate.

Applying for an electronic visa over a traditional visa is also advantageous for travelers because several countries, including India, Australia, Sri Lanka, and Turkey, require eVisas. Arriving in these countries without an eVisa can result in the traveler being fined, and in some cases, they may not be permitted to enter the country.

Another advantage the eVisa application has over applying for a traditional visa at an embassy or consulate is that, in most cases, there is no wait period. Most eVisa applications get instant approval. One slight disadvantage of this is that some visas may expire within sixty days of it being issued, so it’s important to not apply for an eVisa too far in advance of your trip.

Travelers who choose to apply for an eVisa through Byevisa can quickly obtain one for themselves, their spouse, and their children for more than sixty countries around the world, including New Zealand, the United States of America, and Thailand.

After travelers’ visa applications have been approved for the country of their choice, their valid pass will be sent to them via email. From there, they can then print out their visa and use it to pass through airport check-ins without any trouble or hassles.

The Validity of Electronic Visas

Electronic visas sometimes get a bad rap, as some people incorrectly believe that they’re not valid travel documents. The truth is, outside of the process through which eVisas are procured, they are the same as traditional visas. They are just as valid as a visa you get after applying at an embassy or consulate.

Electronic visas have been embraced by travel experts, including travel visa expert Peter Lavelle, who says that eVisa services “make getting a travel authorization as simple as filling in an online form. The process takes just a few minutes, and travelers can check their application status at any time, so they’re always in the know.”

Lavelle also touted the ease of using eVisa services, calling the online forms “convenient” and praising the service’s validation process, during which applicants are kept abreast of their application’s status. It’s a stark contrast to applying for a visa at a consulate or embassy, after which applicants may be kept in the dark for quite some time until they learn whether or not their application has been approved.


Electronic visas are the way of the future. As they’re already required by a number of countries, it’s much more prudent to apply for a visa electronically as opposed to applying at a consulate or embassy. It’s far less time consuming, as it doesn’t require travelers to dedicate an entire day to it, and it’s much easier for travelers who have busy family and social lives.

Applying for an eVisa over a traditional visa also gives travelers more time to actually focus on the joys of planning their trip, like arranging their itinerary, looking up interesting sites to visit, and finding the best places to try local food. It’s a godsend for anyone who wants their travel plans to go as smoothly as possible and is, quite simply, the best way to apply for a visa today.

The post Traditional Visa vs. eVisa: Which is the Better Choice? appeared first on David's Been Here.

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