Koji Makes Anything Taste Better. Here's How to Get Started.

A strong proponent of the community that is afforded by food—its creation and consumption, virtual and not—Rich Shih, the blogger behind OurCookQuest started the hashtag #KojiBuildsCommunity about a decade ago, creating a meeting ground for cooks fueled by the common pursuit of all things koji. I fell headlong into that world, and Rich Shih, the man behind OurCookQuest, and I became pen pals. I later realized Shih was also virtual friends with a soon-to-be owner of a koji-inoculated Jewish delicatessen Jeremy Umansky. Together, they've become my onetwo-stop source for all things koji; our inboxes are littered with news of fermentation triumphs and failures—a virtual, somewhat unwieldy field notebook of sorts.

Koji, or dried rice grains cultured with aspergillus oryzae, makes any and all foods taste like hyper-version of themselves. Imagine if any and all foods could be made, naturally, to taste like hyper-real versions of themselves. That's exactly what filamentous fungus koji does: As koji spores grow (a friendly black mold), they break sugars and proteins down into their very basic forms, making them more readily available to our tongues.


from Food52 https://food52.com/blog/25374-best-koji-alchemy-rich-shih-jeremy-umansky-recipes
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