Some Thoughts & What to Cook This June

black square #blacklivesmatter

What happened to George Floyd last week was unequivocally wrong. What happened to Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, and the countless named and unnamed victims of police brutality and white supremacy is unequivocally wrong. I’ve taken my safety for granted, and it belongs to everyone. I stand in solidarity with those protesting their murders.

Hoping for change is not enough. Considering myself a non-racist is not enough. I have work to do and I will do it. Black lives matter.

I’m going quiet for the week so that more important voices can carry more important messages. Now and evermore, I’m listening to the Black community, educating myself on systemic racism and oppression, donating to organizations that champion for equal rights for all, and working to become a more active ally.

It’s my responsibility to use this platform for good. Here are a few resources that I’ve found educational, and links to additional books and resources that I’m just beginning. If you have any additional suggestions, please let me know.

Since homemade meals provide nourishment during times of stress and unrest, you’ll find my usual monthly list of in-season recipes below. Be well.

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The post Some Thoughts & What to Cook This June appeared first on Cookie and Kate.

from Cookie and Kate
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