Hunting Facts That Might Interest You

If you go way back in time, you’ll find that humans couldn’t survive without hunting. They would roam around their dwelling area, searching and planning for their next meal. As we developed and mastered the concept of agriculture, the importance of hunting decreased and turned from a survival necessity to a hobby.

While there are a lot of arguments around hunting nowadays, it doesn’t mean that it is not important. Below are some hunting facts that might interest you and give more insight on why hunting is important: 

Better Sources

Since most, if not all, the meat we consume comes from farms that use chemicals to fatten up the animals, we do not get the best nutrients out of it. As it turns out, hunting is a better source of meat than store-bought as they have a more natural diet, which in turn, provides us with a lot more nutrients. Hunted animals from the wild have a higher percentage of protein, iron, vitamin B, and a high percentage of omega 3 as well. 

Bow Hunting

Believe it or not, bows are still one of the most preferred weapons of hunters to date. But, movies and T.V shows do not accurately reflect how hard it is to actually use a bow and the importance of sighting when you hunt. If you don’t have any training and decide to hunt, you may just end up hurting yourself. That’s why it’s important to know everything about bowhunting before heading out into the wilderness. Alex Knobloch, the founder of advocates for the importance of knowledge, that’s why he always requests his audience to ask questions, get advice from experts, and to make sure they know what they are heading into. If you think hunting with a gun is exciting, kick it up a notch for a more exciting hunting experience with a bow and arrow.

Hunting Helps in Saving Wildlife Populations

Due to humans occupying most of the land, predators, such as bears, have mostly disappeared from cities and towns to make living arrangements safer for humans. However, with the scarcity of wildlife predators, the number of other wildlife animals has increased, such as deer, making the environmental balance unstable. Here is where hunting comes into action by trying to regain the environmental stability. However, there are regulations applied to ensure that only a specific number of animals are to be hunted to keep other animals secure.

It’s More Than a Gun and Arrow

While hunting, you need to be fully prepared for anything that you might face. This starts with packing proper equipment before you go. Although it’s understandable why a non-hunter might think that the only tools a hunter needs are a water bottle and a good gun. This is not exactly true, as all hunters have a full pack of gear with other survival items. 

Flagging tape is one of these important items. If you are tracking an animal’s blood, putting the tape will help you see the path clearly. Additionally, wrapping it around trees on your path will help you get home if you are lost. Other tools range from a GPS/radio combo to a pocket knife for emergencies. 

Hunting has existed for millions of years. Humans have even trained animals, such as dogs and horses, to help them in the hunting process. That being said, illegal and unregulated hunting can cause a lot of environmental hazards and the extinction of animals which endangers us all. That is why it’s important to learn more about the regulations and proper conduct before going out to hunt.

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