What I Read in February 2020.

what i read in february 2020

This month was SUCH a great reading month for me. I read a ton, read some great books, some not-so-great.

While I’m keeping my reviews here on the blog, I have been updating my goodreads account with what I’m reading, so you can see what I read in real time.

You can find my reading lists here and previous What I Read posts here. I’d love to hear below what you read this month!

What I read in February 2020

The Idea of You – 5 stars

OMG. I am still in deep sadness and denial that this book is over. I don’t even know how to talk about it. I read this after hearing Becca rave about it on Bad on Paper. IT IS SO GOOD. You should definitely read it and then listen to both of their podcast episodes on it. The book is about a woman who falls in love with a member of a boy band and they have a 20 year age difference. I thought this was SO well written. It was a gut wrenching story. There is a lot of sex in it but it is not a trashy romance, if you can believe that. The story was captivating. I loved the characters so much. This was a book that left me in book depression for days, and actually might have been why I hated one of the books below so much. I am still thinking about these characters as if they were real. READ IT!

Open Book – 3.5 stars

I really, really enjoyed this book. Jessica Simpson was ALWAYS my first favorite (in the Britney/Christina era, I only liked Jessica!) and heck, if you go back and read my Tuesday Things from ten years ago, I talk about how much I loved her. So obviously, I loved reading this! I think the real juicy stuff is about John Mayer. Sure, I wanted to read the Nick details, but most of it was released to the press before this book came out. When you read all the stuff about John Mayer in this book, you will be like whaaaaaat. There was so much in this book I enjoyed and even things I could relate to.

Chase the Butterflies – 1 star

This is the book I referenced above that I read after The Idea of You. And I don’t think I’ve ever given a book one star before (ever!) but I was not a fan of this. At all. The story starts when something terrible happens after a couple gets engaged and it goes from there. First (and this is my fault), I didn’t realize this fell more into the romance genre and while I love a good love story, I prefer the women’s fiction or even chick lit genre over true romance genre. Second, I was semi-invested in the story at the beginning, but nearly three quarters of the way though when you find out what is going on – the twist – I just COULD NOT. That is not my kind of read, I am not interested in it and I want to read things that are believable. No no no! It ruined the entire book for me. However, this book is highly rated in other places, so it may just be me.

Don’t You Forget About Me – 2.5 stars

I wanted to love this SO MUCH. But I had a hard time getting into this book. My kindle app said I was 45% of the way through and it was still SO slow moving for me. I also just… didn’t like any of the beginning? I didn’t connect with it at all. The ending turned it around for me a little bit, but I almost didn’t finish because it was so hard for me to get through! I went several nights without reading because I was actually dreading reading more of it.

Been There, Married That – 2.5 stars

I am so torn on this one too. This is a story about a hollywood author, married to the biggest producer in the business and the story of their divorce. The writing felt disjointed and was almost hard for me to understand. Really… no one in this story is likeable at all! They are all terrible. Parts of this were just so odd and disturbing (like the almond rehab thing), but I kept reading to see what happened in the end. The ending wasn’t even that great, but it was happier than expected. I’d love to hear if you read this one because I just don’t know how to describe it.

This is Not How it Ends – 4.5 stars

GAH. This book. It killed me. It is SO wildly emotional for many reasons. I started this last Friday night at 8pm and finished it at 3AM – I could not stop reading. (Also, this is a testament to how much I hate sleep and how I will do anything to keep reading.) This book is a classic love triangle, but you actually love ALL the characters and there are many twists. I loved the writing. The story is incredible. I have not read anything else by this author and I think she may be like Jodi Picoult – incredible stories but most of them involve trauma, death, sickness, etc. I realize this makes me seem unsophisticated/ridiculous/head in the clouds/etc but I am just not interested in reading that stuff. Real life is sad enough! I don’t need a super unrealistically happy book, but I do not want to read about certain situations, especially in depth. That’s the only reason this isn’t 5 stars for me. I so highly recommend this story as it is WONDERFUL.

That Weekend in Paris – 3 stars

Oh man. Okay so I just finished this one yesterday. Given my love for country music I thought I would love this! It’s a story of a country music artist and a songwriter who connect while he is doing a show in Paris. And I did enjoy it a lot, especially the first half. I felt like it was written for YA but I don’t think it is YA? And I thought this was on track to be a 4ish star read for me, but the last 1/8th of the book went off the rails! I actually had to go back to make sure I didn’t miss a portion of the story? When it jumps forward to 14 months later… and what happens… I’m like WHAT? These people don’t really even know each other!! Felt like the last quarter of the book was insanely rushed and a bit outrageous. Overall I did like this, just didn’t connect with the last quarter (though I was happy with the outcome).

Break Shot: My First 21 Years – 5 stars

Okay if you’re a life long James Taylor fan, you have to listen to this. It was wonderful and really went into his back story. It’s only 90 minutes long too. I told my parents they have to listen because they would probably enjoy it even more – they were alive during all the things he talks about! But I still enjoyed it so much. James also narrates it and I just love that. 5 stars obvi for my lifelong favorite.

Summer of ’79 – 3 stars

Another super fast read that was a follow up to Summer of ’69! I liked it and obviously will read anything Elin writes. And it’s always fun to catch up on characters when you get as invested as I do. I think what I loved most about it is that it just brought me back to a summer novel during these cold dreary months.

The post What I Read in February 2020. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.

from How Sweet Eats https://www.howsweeteats.com/2020/02/what-i-read-in-february-2020/
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