The Best Motivational Podcasts

Podcasts have become my jam over the past few years. Whether I’m cooking dinner, cleaning up, driving, walking, etc., having a free treasure trove of goodness to keep me informed and motivated is key.

There are thousands of podcasts out there that can teach us all kinds of new skills, tell wonderful stories, or educate us, but my favorite genre is motivation and personal development.

These are my (and my team’s) favorite motivational podcasts:

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

Oprah Winfrey often explores spirituality on her podcast, and has interviewed many major names on the subject, like Eckhart Tolle and Pema Chödrön.

In her SuperSoul Conversations, Oprah and her guests examine life’s big questions and work to guide you to your best self. She also interviews musicians like Alicia Keys comedians like Tina Fey, and public figures like Michelle Obama. Regardless of the specific subject matter, each episode is engaging, inspiring, and thought-provoking. Some are even funny!

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

Brené Brown is a research professor, five-time bestselling author, and speaker whose work has focused on leadership, emotional intelligence, and human connection. In her podcast, Unlocking Us, she speaks honestly and authentically about vulnerability and human relationships.

She discusses how to connect better with others and grow in touch with ourselves, focusing especially on healthy emotional and mental health. Sometimes Brown has guests on the podcast, and sometimes she doesn’t, but either way, she shares what she has learned from her personal experiences and life’s work. Each episode is bound to leave you feeling more motivated to have compassion for both yourself and the people around you.

Radio Headspace

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

The creators of Headspace, one of the most popular meditation apps on the market, have created a podcast! Interestingly, though, it’s not about meditation, so you don’t have to be a fan of the practice to learn from this show.

The series just dropped in May, so it focuses on the specific events our world is experiencing right now, as well as how to cope with those things effectively. In short, the show is all about perspective and peace of mind!

Perhaps the podcast’s biggest draw is its brevity: five-minute episodes are designed to speak to the chaos of our everyday lives in just a few moments. It’s the perfect bite-sized chunk of reflection, mindfulness, and motivation to soak in while completing a quick day-to-day task! Without requiring TED-talk-level concentration, the series acts as a great daily practice of focusing on what’s important for overall wellbeing, plus, episodes are released every weekday, making Radio Headspace the perfect addition to your daily routines!

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

Ten Percent Happiers host, Dan Harris, is a news anchor for Good Morning America, ABC News, and Nightline, so it figures that he asks great questions and makes sure that every episode is as informative as possible. Harris holds in-depth conversations with experts across all fields on practical, applicable ways to improve our lives, balance, and overall happiness.

Featured guests include scientists, celebrities, and meditation teachers, all who share inspiring insight and show us how we can have better control over our minds, and in turn, our happiness. With just one episode, you’ll learn how to approach your life in new ways.

The Kimberly Wenya Podcast

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

Kimberley Wenya is a wellness coach who is all for self-improvement through mindset. Her podcast is for the modern-day woman, covering topics like work, love, and mental health. Each episode is an easy listen as Wenya draws from personal experience rather than the usual canned advice.

The episodes vary in length and topic; sometimes she’ll talk about simple life improvements, while others require deep thought. So get ready to dust off your old journal, and manifest your best life!

REI’s Wild Ideas Worth Living

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

Do you have that one bucket list item you’ve always wanted to do but never went for it? This podcast is full of people who’ve pursued their crazy adventures, whether that be skiing across the South Pole or walking across the US.

In every episode, journalist Shelby Stranger invites a new person to discuss their outdoor accomplishments and the life lessons learned. Even if you’re not one for fresh air, the stories from these guests are worth your time. 

TEDx Shorts

Motivational Podcasts Everyone Should Be Listening To

TED talks are famous for bringing forward-thinking ideas of technology, entertainment, and design to the table. It’s no surprise, then, that TED was in the podcast business way before podcasts became cool. TED offers podcasts that span different languages and themes, but TEDx Shorts simply gives listeners shortened versions of well-known TED talks.

Each episode is pretty bare-bones, running less than 10 minutes each with no interviews.  The series is a great morning pick-me-up for that quick jolt of inspiration.

Want to stay motivated? Here are 7 motivational podcasts that everyone should listen to for personal development and beyond. #Podcasts
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Those are a few of my favorite podcasts, and if you’re looking for some of my favorite books and audiobooks for personal transformation, I shared some life-changing suggestions here and here.

What are some of your favorite motivational podcasts of the moment?

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