What Are the Best Countries to Get Medical Cannabis Treatment?

Getting therapeutic cannabis is not a walk in the park. The manufacturing of therapeutic marijuana is done based on the condition that marijuana is purposed to treat. Some countries where cannabis is legalized contain systems that assist people in selecting the best cannabis. From proper cannabis version, dosage, to frequency and duration, people need to get appropriate information about the use of therapeutic marijuana. Below are some countries where people can get the best medical cannabis treatment.


In 2017, there was an amendment to the German narcotic national rules that legalized cannabis. Doctors were given the autonomy to prescribe cannabis treatment on patients suffering from various conditions. In the course of these provisions, some corresponding guidelines were also set in place to regulate the cultivation, harvesting, and distribution of cannabis. It is still a narcotic drug in Germany so only medical professionals are authorized to prescribe it. Germany people need the authorization to cultivate cannabis.

In 2018 alone, Germany prescribed a total of 142,000 prescriptions of cannabis for various patients. These strict regulations in Germany are what have led to the proper use of medical cannabis. Such restrictions hinder access to cannabis by various individuals especially those whose medical condition is not serious. Some insurance companies even cover the costs of therapeutic marijuana.


In Argentina, the use of medicinal cannabis is authorized and legalized. Taking non-medicinal cannabis is not authorized because it is considered a narcotic and no narcotics are allowed in the country. Law No. 27,350 provides the regulations for the use of cannabis as a medicinal, therapeutic, and/or palliative substance. Patients who require medical cannabis must register with the Ministry of health for them to access medicinal cannabis in any part of the country. After that is when one can obtain a prescription and get medicinal cannabis. Such regulations have hindered the abuse of Cannabis in Argentina because only those who need for medicinal purposes can get it. Some of the conditions that may allow doctors to prescribe medicinal marijuana in Argentina include epilepsy, osteoarthritis, and autism.


When it comes to Canada, Marijuana was legalized in the 2000s. It is not only for medicinal purposes but also for recreational purposes. In Canada, doctors are allowed to prescribe marijuana to help patients with their various conditions. In 2001, Canada brought forth the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations program. This program allowed people to procure marijuana by either growing it themselves or buy it from other countries or designating caregivers to supply it to them.

By 2019, Canada Had over 350,000 patients registered with a licensed medical marijuana seller. This regulation made it easy for people to access medical marijuana from licensed growers and suppliers. Over 29000 people were authorized to plant marijuana all over Canada making the supply to be sufficient to all who need it.


In 2016, Australia authorized the use of medicinal marijuana. Any doctor in Australia can assess a patient and determine the dose of cannabis that a patient must be used.  Authorized Prescriber Scheme is the standard guideline that a doctor must go through before prescribing any form of medication. Epilepsy, cancer pain, Neuropathic pain, and anorexia are some of the conditions that require medical cannabis in Australia. Cannabis can also be used as an adjuvant in Australia. This means if the doctor finds cannabis can reduce the dose of certain medications, it is prescribed to supplement the medication. 


In Uruguay, Cannabis and its by-products are legal so any doctor can prescribe it. Uruguay has never criminalized any person for possessing cannabis since 1974 and this is a clear indication that marijuana is legalized in the country. Instituto de Regulación y Control del Cannabis is the body that regulates the use of Marijuana and it is mandated to ensure people don’t take cannabis as a drug of abuse. People can, therefore, seek medical cannabis in these nations and have their condition improved. 


To get perfect medical cannabis, you need to make sure you are assessed by a doctor. The doctor will determine the severity of your condition and you will have the appropriate dose or quantity prescribed for you. Taking marijuana without a doctor’s advice is not only illegal but also harmful to your health.

The post What Are the Best Countries to Get Medical Cannabis Treatment? appeared first on David's Been Here.

from David's Been Here https://davidsbeenhere.com/2020/07/21/what-are-the-best-countries-to-get-medical-cannabis-treatment/
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